Our Problem-Solving Workshop is a very practical training to learn to solve problems with a methodology structured (or improvised) “ON THE FLY.

These days, we run many workshops at work. Each workshop represents a different problem to solve. We face our obstacles with our limited repertoire of Design Thinking tools. However, the problem is when Design Thinking tools don’t fit our needs or we don’t reach good results. This workshop is the counterpart of Design Thinking because working with already existing tools is NOT the intention. The purpose is to learn to formulate your very own methodology on the spur of the moment, ON THE FLY; to acquire and practice the skill of design-reasoning: think, communicate, visualize and structure situations like a designer and develop from scratch your own problem-solving methods.
This workshop is the training you need to master the facilitation of workshops where you really have to solve problems and reach consensus among participants. At this workshop, you will learn and practice:
- to identify critical and non-critical problems and to specify the objective you need to reach;
- to prioritize elements as urgent, important and irrelevant;
- to identify the information you have (or lack) to work with through your problem-solving process;
- to visualize your problem ecosystem and its actors;
- to end up assembling your own functional design methods;
- to trace a series of steps to reach a solution;
- and to reach a solution to a problem.
The workshop has a length of 16 hours. It can be executed in 2 sessions of 8 hours (2 days) or in several short modules delivered on different days.
Interested in overcoming your difficulties, problems and fears when organizing workshops? Get in contact to find out if workshop this is the best solution for you and your organization.
Get in touch!
Let´s have a conversation to:
- discuss your acquisition of skills, knowledge and innovation methods;
- optimize your programs, projects and processes;
- explore how to engage more your audiences; and
- build a world with fairer opportunities for all us.